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We Believe


  • That every person should be on fire with passion and a fervency, motivated by commitment so strong that the gates of hell cannot stop it.
  • That the Holy Spirit is active in supernatural ways – convicting, changing, guiding, healing, restoring, and setting people free.
  • That God’s word, the Bible, must be taught accurately, clearly, practically, and with great power.
  • That believers are growing and maturing in every area of their lives and learning to be fully devoted to follow Jesus Christ.
  • That ordinary people (believers) are empowered to do extraordinary things.
  • That compassion is shown to the needy and hurting and where the addicted can come and be set free from the power of sinful and destructive habits…where people are healed, delivered, and made whole.
  • That fellowship is warm and genuine, never tainted by anger, selfishness, jealousy, or pride – members love each other with a pure heart, forgive each other, and bear one another’s burdens.
  • Believers gather in joyful praise and intimate worship that touches heaven and changes the earth.
  • That this is a place of prayer where requests are made with passion and strategic intercession takes place day and night for the needs of people.
  • That Westgate is a multigenerational church where the young and the old flow together and appreciate each other. People of different races, nationalities, ages, and social backgrounds relate together in love and unity.
  • That children are to be taught the word of God, and capture a sense of God’s destiny for their lives. This is a place where they learn to know God personally and to be used by Him powerfully.
  • That everything is done with excellence in order to bring glory to God.
  • That people believe God for the miraculous, and with their influence, they change neighborhoods, workplaces, school campuses, family members, friends, and associates.
  • That people are actively serving and helping others with their talents, gifts, and abilities. Every gift and ministry is valued and appreciated.