Westgate’s vision is to plant churches in the unreached areas of the world and to be a support to those that are serving on the mission field.
The missions department’s assignment is to accomplish this vision by developing an attitude of obedience to the “Great Commission” (Mark 16:15).
Several years ago, Pastor Al led a team of 15 people on a missions trip to support Pastor Gregory Bangura in Sierra Leonne, West Africa. In June 2010, Pastor Bangura visited Westgate Church. He spoke of the ministry and love of God that went forth when Pastor Al and the team visited him, and testified of the work being done in Sierra Leonne.
Pastor Bangura and his wife Agnes provide schools for children who otherwise would be uneducated. Many of these children have Muslim parents who are opened to the gospel of Jesus Christ because of the love shown to their children. During this visit, Westgate Church gave its first missions offering to Pastor Bangura.
Westgate Church currently supports seven missionaries serving on foreign soils in India and Nepal, Bosnia, Sierra Leonne, Kenya, Tanzania, Kuwait and Israel, and China. In addition, Westgate maintains numerous local missions projects including an annual Back-to-School Blast where school supplies are given to children in Port Allen and Maringouin, Louisiana; weekly prayer meetings in Maringouin, Louisiana; monthly community outreaches, a benevolence ministry which provides food, clothes, and
short-term shelter to those in need.